Thursday, April 09, 2009

Little Game Chef '09: The Mustang

I participated in Little Game Chef this year. It was fun and there were a lot of cool games in the mix. And... I won the darn thing. Which is pretty sweet. My game is called The Mustang. You can grab the PDF by clicking on the image below.

The judges said nice things about it, which I really appreciate. I think it turned out rather well. But I agree with Eero (the EVIL judge) that it's not a "game" exactly. I don't know what the heck it is, really.

Anyway, I really like Jonathan Walton's entry, Mare Caspium. You should check it out. It has Khazars and everything. That was my pick for the winner.

Here's the Game Contest Thread and Judges' Results Thread.

EDIT: Oh yeah! They had an award named for me as part of LGC. The Harper Award went to the game that used the 2-page restriction well and had good layout. The winner went to the very cool looking hand-written game, Redemption Night by M. Jason Parent.


  1. Wow, congratulations. That's awesome.

    Just a couple of comments on Mustang, though:
    1) Um, no new feats? Never gonna make it.
    2) I read it twice and still don't see how much damage the Mustang does.
    3) I was hoping for a Cassie Prestige Class... maybe in the next, uh, page?


    Well done, Mr. Harper. Both the "game" and the award are cool.

  2. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I absolutely LOVE this. Well conceived and executed, sir.

    This makes me want to write again.

  3. Hey Jon!

    No surprise, indeed. I did think of you when I wrote it. I think I was channeling some of your mojo. :-)
