Sons of Liberty pre-order
Monday, January 07, 2008
Josh Roby's game of gonzo action in the American revolution, Sons of Liberty, is now available for pre-order. If, like me, you were on the fence about this one, you owe it to yourself to check out the 55-page preview pdf. It is chock full of goodness, and it completely sold me on the game. I have a feeling you Agon fans will like it, too.I plan to do a full review of the game soon, hopefully after I get a chance to play it.
I was part of the playtest, and trust me; you will love it. (I'm a big fan of Agon, as well, btw.) SoL shares with Agon the structure of 'GM on a budget' in some ways. Tyranny isn't exactly the same as Strife, but both are opposition resources that the players have to whittle down in order to eventually prevail. In SoL, the PCs aren't directly competing with one another, but there is a genuine sense of trying to outdo each other with over-the-top cleverness and cool, which drives the game.
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