Buy Me A Drink
Monday, September 28, 2009
I have a donate button now. If you want to give me money for my "free" games (and some of you do, apparently) feel free to buy me a drink or six.Click the button here:
Pics of said drink(s) provided upon request.
Donated, and pointed all my Ghost/Echo friends at the link.
I actually like looking at photos of well-mixed drinks more than drinking. Post at your convenience.
The choice of drink is of course yours, but if you haven't tried a Sidecar or a Lemon Drop, both are quite nice.
Thanks! Pics coming later tonight.
My girlfriend is a fan of the Lemon Drop. Myself, I prefer to leave good liquor unadulterated whenever possible.
I was one of those voices clamoring for the button and I was happy to donate to John's drinking and game design habits. In that order.
I don't much care what you buy and drink with the cash, Johnny, but you must succeed at an NFA roll to _stop_ drinking, in honor of the Sevastopol.
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