Leverage RPG Sheets
Monday, February 14, 2011
I decided to make some custom character sheets for the new Leverage RPG.One sheet per Role, with the Role talents printed on the sheet to facilitate character creation. I had to re-write the talents in a more compact form so they'd fit on the sheets. Hopefully the Leverage-heads out there will tell me if I screwed anything up too badly. There's an extra sheet to record jobs/experience that also has the open talents on it.
This is excellent. Talents were the one tricky part of character creation, but here there are all the inspiring concepts for characters built right in. I will definitely be using these to introduce my group to this game.
Never even heard of the show but these make me want to play. Excellent as always.
Very useful and practical character sheets. Especially for bringing new players into a Leverage RPG game. Good work!
I suggest, your Crews should go and steal them those character sheets!
Brilliant sheets, I've played a few games using these and I'm now adapting the layout for a fantasy leverage one-shot.
Stellar work! I have and will adapt this sheet for my Leverage-powered games (http://thegamescape.wordpress.com/2012/01/11/sentinel-five-sheet/). Thank you.
Used these two week ago. Nice work!
Looks great - will definately use them...
Any chance of you making some sheets for a GM screen?
I played in a game at GenCon this summer (2016) with these sheets! They're very useful.
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