T = -1
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
It's called Agon.-----
The starting position is 4, based on terrain and visibility (large interior + bright).

After the positioning rolls, the order is (from lowest to highest):
1. Green Skeletons (armed with javelins and swords)
2. Blue Hero (armed with a bow and spear)
3. Red Hero (armed with javelins and a spear)
4. Yellow Skeletons (armed with bows and spears)
The Green Skeletons are the lowest, so they don't get to position anyone.
The Blue Hero goes next. He can move any opponent that he beat, which in this case is only the Green Skeletons. He moves them one range band closer.

Then the Red Hero goes. He can also move the Green Skeletons, so he moves them closer again, to get them into spear range (2) for both Heroes.

Finally, the Yellow Skeletons get to position. They decide to push the Red Hero away one band, putting him into their bow range (5,6) and moving him out of optimal spear range against the Green Skeletons.

That leaves us with our final positions before the action starts for this exchange.

Blue has Green in optimal spear range, and Yellow has Red in optimal bow range. Red doesn't have a bow, but he can hurl javelins at Green.
The range strip kind of looks like a corridor, but it's not. It's just an abstract representation of the battlefield. Wilhelm tells me that Traveller did something like this, but I haven't played it. Brandon came up with this range strip business during our playtest last night. It seems to work really well.
Labels: agon
It could work really well to track position advantage in a Wu-xia game with everyone lightfooting up bamboo and leaping over rooftops and such.
I look forward to seeing more.
I like it. It's like TROS's maneuvering thing for visually oriented people.
There obviously needs to be a space battle version of this. If only I knew someone who really liked space adventure games and who'd be shameless enough to totally steal this awesome idea from you.
Q: Is one space away duking it out range, or is it the same space? Or does melee have optimal 0 and feasible 1?
The back-and-forth positioning reminds me of a recent boardgame by Reiner Knizia, Times Square. It's basically a light card-based tug-of-war game. I blogged about it a bit here and here.
As to this, it'd be good to know ranges and who can move what how- is it better to get you into range by stepping my guy backwards or moving your guy backwards? Can I reposition and attack on the same go?
I suspect we'll learn more tomorrow.
Funny you should say that, Mischa. After Brandon sketched the positioning strip during the playtest, we both were like, "This is totally a Knizia mechanic."
I'll post the game later tonight.
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